Welcome and Introduction
A few words about the course, from the presenter, Barry Winbolt.
As a lecturer, therapist and coach, I’ve been designing and delivering learning modules like this for over 25 years. More recently, I’ve been collaborating with Skillboosters to produce professional quality video courses with content to match.
We aim to make every one of our courses engaging, informative, and above, all useful. We keep the lectures short and to the point, and while most of them involve a subject expert speaking directly to you like this, we also include drama and role-plays using professional actors to demonstrate key points.
As you progress through the course, please remember that you can share your views, questions and ideas with me and with other students by posting a comment in the space following each lesson.
Sharing ideas like this is known to help the learning process, so I encourage you to to join in!
We always aim for the highest quality, we hope you’ll agree, enjoy the course.
The Aims and Objectives of this course
Before getting into the course it's a good idea to consider what you hope to gain from taking it, and what you can expect from it in terms of new insights and understandings.
Your aims are about what you hope to get from the course, your overall intentions in taking it. It signals what you aspire to and how you want things to be for you after you have completed the course.
The course objectives are the outcomes we intend for you in completing the course. They are expressed as doable and achievable activities, so they are practical and measurable. When you've reached an objective you'll know about it because you and/or others will witness it happening.
Course Objectives
The objectives are what we think the course should deliver. It has been designed with these in mind.
- To understand what the term Emotional Intelligence (EI) means and what core elements constitute EI
- To be able to identify these core elements in themselves, and to recognise strengths and deficiencies in those areas
- To practice the skills using the exercises provided in order to enhance one's level of EI
- To monitor one's own progress in terms of EI, and to understand the importance of reflection and practice
- To understand that developing and maintaining Emotional Intelligence is part of a lifelong process.
Bear these objectives in mind, as you progress through the course, to help keep you focused on what is meant to be happening for you. If you feel that the course is not delivering as it should, feed this back to the presenter via the 'comments' function. We'll be able to point you to further information to fill the gap.
If you've opted for the course + coaching package you'll be able to raise the issue in conversation with your coach.
What are your aims?
Consider your aims as well. it's a good idea to write them down because when you know what you are aiming for your more likely to achieve it. Self-awareness is an important factor in Emotional Intelligence, so think this through carefully and figure out what you are aiming for and how improving your EI will benefit you.
Some examples of aims given in the course literature are:
- Communicating more effectively
- Make better decisions
- Handling stress and pressure adequately
- Motivating yourself
- Reducing worry or anxiety
- Improving psychological wellbeing
- Getting better control of your emotions
- Improving your leadership skills
- Managing others more effectively.
In thinking about this, be specific about which aims are most important to you. Don't make the list too long because that will make it less likely that you'll reach them. Focus on four or five.
If you have difficulty or any doubts about your aims, contact the presenter via the comments facility and we'll help.
Learning is very much a personal journey. How well you manage to fulfil your aims will depend on what they are, your level of commitment, and how much you practice. The course is designed to help you with the objectives. There are various quizzes throughout the course so that you can check your understanding. and exercises are provided in the workbook and also in the resources section at the end of the course.
Good luck with your learning, enjoy the course.