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Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Welcome and Introduction (3:22)
The Aims and Objectives of this course
Study guide – Get the most from the course
Download the Course Workbook
Find Your Emotional Intelligence Score
Test your Emotional Intelligence
Emotionally Intelligent Attitudes and Behaviour
An Emotionally Intelligent Attitude (2:23)
Developing the Habits of Emotional Intelligence (2:27)
How EI Combats Pressure and Stress (4:12)
Emotional Intelligence – Opening Quiz
The Five Pillars of Emotional Intelligence
The Five Pillars of Emotional Intelligence (2:26)
Self-awareness and Self-control (3:56)
Social Skills and Empathy (1:45)
Self-Motivation (4:57)
Harnessing Emotional Intelligence
How Emotional Intelligence Helps Prevent Stress and Fatigue (1:41)
How EI Helps with Career and Success (2:45)
Applied Emotional Intelligence; Self-Monitoring and Positive Change
Self-Monitoring and Positive Change (1:34)
Helping and Supporting Others (1:47)
Section 3, 4 & 5 Quiz
Eight Ways to Keep Improving Your Emotional Intelligence
Keeping your interest alive (1:13)
1. Study Humility (1:06)
2. Notice How You Interact with Others (1:04)
3. A Clear-Eyed Look at Personal Conduct (0:30)
4. Doing a Self-Evaluation (0:36)
5. Manage Your Emotions (0:54)
6. Be Open and Sociable (1:40)
7. Take Responsibility for Your Behaviour (1:26)
Test your understanding of the lectures contained in section 6.
Course Summary and Final Quiz
Summary – The Parts of the Puzzle That Everyone Needs, to Prosper. (1:52)
Final quiz on Emotional Intelligence
Resources, Reading list and Extras
EI Learning Notes and Exercises
Extra Resources to help you develop your E.I.
Request your Course Completion Certificate
Final quiz on Emotional Intelligence
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